Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Guided Reading Time!

Here at UPA Ellen Thompson, we teach reading using a program called "Guided Reading." In a nutshell, guided reading involves small (four to six, but sometimes fewer) groups of students meeting with the teacher to read and discuss a book that is just a little too hard for them to read on their own.

In the lower grades, this involves a book that can be read in one sitting. In grades three through five, though, Guided Reading is done with chapter books.

It's a wonderful program that helps kids become better readers. Our teachers work really, really hard planning Guided Reading lessons and making sure that students are on the right track. Our students work really, really hard, too, not just during their Guided Reading meetings, but during the other parts of reading time such as centers (for students in grades K-2) and independent reading (for students in 3-5). Teachers and students working hard together...that's when great things happen!

I'm sharing this info with you because all teachers started Guided Reading groups this week. Your child will be meeting with their groups regularly from now on. In the upper grades (3-5) this even involves switching teachers, so your child may have a different teacher for reading and writing (be sure to ask him or her!).

Here are some photos of three groups hard at work during Guided Reading time:

Be sure to ask your son or daughter how things are going during reading time at school! The more you talk about books, the more excited they'll get about them!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Back to School Night Tomorrow!

We hope you'll join us for Back to School Night tomorrow from 6:00 to 7:30. The event will be held at UPA High School.

The festivities begin at 6:00 in the high school gym (inside the building with the red pillars in front). Then, starting at 6:30, you'll have the opportunity to learn more about what happens in your child's grade. Teams of teachers will be presenting about their grade level in the high school's blue building (look for the blue pillars out front) beginning at 6:30.

We hope to see you there. It's sure to be a great opportunity for you to understand the way things work here at UPA Ellen Thompson!

Be sure to check our facebook and twitter pages for photos and live tweets from the event!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Free Family Fun This Weekend

Looking for some free family fun this weekend? Check out the DIY Street Fair in Ferndale. It all happens at Nine Mile and Woodward tonight, tomorrow, and Sunday.

There's a little bit of something for everyone: local art and merchants, kids' activities, music, food, and more!

Here's a link to the Kids Zone details:

Oh, and it's free!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Morning Meeting Time!

In each classroom, every morning, a Morning Meeting is held. Morning Meetings are great ways to start the day on a positive note. A typical morning meeting includes news and announcements, a greeting, an activity and sharing time.

On Friday, for the first time ever, we held an "all school morning meeting" with all of the classes in the building. We'll be having these every month from now on as a way of building a positive school culture and strong school community.

For this first one, our activity was the Macarena! It was led by Coach Marbry. Sadly, I did not have my camera with me for this part of the meeting!!!

Then, we had sharing time. Several teachers were invited to share their thoughts and memories about their own school experiences. Mrs. Astle, Mrs. Weaver, Mr. Peri and Ms. Kairis did an awesome job with this!

Ms. Kairis during sharing time.

Mr. Peri sharing a school story.

We'll have another all-school Morning Meeting in October. For that one and for meetings to follow, students will take over more of the roles and will be more involved in leading the meeting. Stay tuned for details!

Speaking of staying tuned, be sure to follow UPA on twitter and facebook and be sure to subscribe to this blog by typing in your email address in the box located in the sidebar menu!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

UPA Ellen Thompson C.A.R.E.S.

We had our first all-school meeting this morning. It was led by our principal, Ms. Johnson, who taught students about five ideas that guide everything we do here at UPA Elementary. We use the word CARES to help us remember the words:

  • Cooperation
  • Assertion
  • Responsibility
  • Empathy
  • Self-Control
These values are what we try to develop in students. And our emphasis on CARES is part of the reason our school is home to the best kids you can find!

Ms. Howard's students know CARES is important.

Everyone loves the first day of school!

Yesterday's first day of school was an exciting one for both teachers and students. There were lots of smiles everywhere you looked!

Mrs. Marbry and students from Mr. Wetherbee's fifth grade class.

It's going to be a great year here at UPA Elementary, isn't it?!?